The Hydrating Power of Aloe Vera: Why It's Essential in Moisturizers

In the world of skincare, one ingredient stands out for its exceptional ability to provide deep and lasting hydration—aloe vera. For centuries, aloe vera has been revered for its natural healing properties, but it's also gained recognition as a hydrating powerhouse, earning its place in the formulations of many moisturizers. 

In this comprehensive exploration, we'll uncover the hydrating properties of aloe vera and why it's a crucial ingredient in moisturizers. From its soothing and moisturizing effects to its compatibility with various skin types, you'll discover why aloe vera has become a staple in modern skincare routines.

Aloe Vera's Hydration Magic Unveiled

At the heart of aloe vera's hydrating prowess lies its remarkable composition. The aloe vera plant, a succulent native to arid regions, has evolved to retain water efficiently. Its leaves are a treasure trove of moisture, packed with a gel-like substance that's both lightweight and deeply hydrating.

Aloe vera gel is composed of over 90% water, making it a natural hydrator par excellence. This water content, combined with various bioactive compounds, creates a perfect storm of hydration for the skin. One of its key components, acemannan, is a polysaccharide known for its ability to retain water, ensuring that your skin stays comfortably moisturized.

Moreover, aloe vera is rich in vitamins and minerals like vitamin E, vitamin C, and zinc, which nourish the skin while sealing in moisture. Its pH level is similar to that of healthy skin, making it an ideal ingredient for maintaining skin's natural balance. When incorporated into moisturizers, aloe vera contributes to a soothing, moisturizing, and refreshing skincare experience.

Aloe Vera's Moisture-Locking Mechanism

The secret to aloe vera's effectiveness in moisturizers lies in its unique ability to lock in moisture. When applied topically, aloe vera forms a thin, breathable barrier on the skin's surface. This barrier not only prevents moisture loss but also helps to draw moisture from the atmosphere into the skin, creating a reservoir of hydration.

Aloe vera's polysaccharides play a vital role in this moisture-locking mechanism. They act as humectants, attracting water molecules and binding them to the skin. This ensures that your skin remains plump and hydrated throughout the day. Whether you have dry, oily, or combination skin, aloe vera's moisture-locking properties adapt to your skin's needs, providing optimal hydration without clogging pores or causing excessive oiliness.

Furthermore, aloe vera's cooling effect soothes the skin, making it particularly beneficial for those with sensitive or irritated skin. It helps reduce redness and inflammation while maintaining a comfortable level of moisture. This gentle, hydrating action makes aloe vera a versatile ingredient for all skin types.

Aloe Vera's Universal Appeal in Skincare

One of the remarkable aspects of aloe vera is its versatility across different skin types. Whether you have dry, oily, sensitive, or combination skin, aloe vera can work its hydrating magic effectively.

For individuals with dry skin, aloe vera provides much-needed relief from flakiness and tightness. Its moisture-retaining abilities keep dryness at bay, leaving the skin soft and supple. Aloe vera is particularly beneficial in moisturizers formulated for dry skin, as it helps replenish and maintain the skin's moisture barrier.

If you have oily or acne-prone skin, aloe vera offers a lightweight, non-comedogenic solution. Its hydrating properties keep the skin moisturized without overloading it with oils. Additionally, aloe vera's anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties can help soothe breakouts and reduce redness, making it a valuable ingredient in moisturizers for oily or acne-prone skin.

Sensitive skin types can also benefit from aloe vera's calming effects. Its gentle nature helps alleviate irritation and redness, making it an excellent choice for soothing and hydrating moisturizers. Aloe vera's compatibility with sensitive skin ensures a comfortable and irritation-free skincare experience.

Beyond Hydration: Aloe Vera's Skin Health Benefits

While aloe vera's hydration prowess is impressive on its own, it offers additional skin health benefits. Aloe vera is packed with antioxidants like vitamins C and E, which combat free radicals and protect the skin from premature aging. Regular use of aloe vera-infused moisturizers can promote a youthful and radiant complexion.

Furthermore, aloe vera has a natural exfoliating effect, gently removing dead skin cells and promoting cell turnover. This exfoliation not only enhances the skin's texture but also aids in the absorption of other skincare products. When incorporated into moisturizers, aloe vera helps optimize the benefits of your entire skincare routine.

Aloe vera's anti-inflammatory properties can help alleviate skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. It soothes itching and redness, providing relief to those with chronic skin conditions. By including aloe vera in your moisturizing routine, you can enjoy healthier and more comfortable skin.

Navigating the Aloe Vera-Infused Moisturizer Market

With the widespread recognition of aloe vera's hydrating benefits, the market is flooded with a variety of aloe vera-infused moisturizers. To make the most of this ingredient, it's essential to choose a product that aligns with your specific skincare needs.

Begin by checking the ingredient list. Look for aloe vera as one of the primary ingredients, preferably listed near the top. This ensures that the moisturizer contains a significant concentration of aloe vera.

Consider your skin type and concerns when selecting an aloe vera moisturizer. If you have dry skin, opt for a moisturizer with aloe vera and additional hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid. For sensitive skin, choose a product with minimal additives and fragrance-free formulations.

Finally, be mindful of potential allergens or irritants in the product. Perform a patch test if you have sensitive skin to ensure that the aloe vera moisturizer is compatible with your skin.


Aloe vera's remarkable ability to provide deep hydration and lock in moisture has solidified its place as an essential ingredient in moisturizers. Whether you're seeking hydration, skin balance, or relief from skin conditions, aloe vera-infused moisturizers offer a natural and effective solution. By understanding its hydration magic and choosing the right product, you can harness the full potential of aloe vera for healthier, well-hydrated, and radiant skin.

Aloe Vera Powder for Digestive Health: How to Use It in Your Supplements and Juices

In the world of health food and cosmetic manufacturing, finding natural and effective ingredients is paramount. Aloe vera, a plant renowned for its healing properties, holds immense potential for enhancing digestive health in your formulations. 

Aloe vera powder, derived from the aloe vera plant, offers a versatile and convenient way to incorporate this remarkable ingredient into your products. 

In this article, we will explore the benefits of using aloe vera powder for digestive health, specifically targeting health food manufacturers, cosmetic manufacturers, and companies interested in harnessing the potential of aloe vera in their formulations.

How to use aloe vera for digestive health in your formulations?

Aloe Vera Powder in Health Food Products:

Health food manufacturers can leverage the benefits of aloe vera powder by incorporating it into their formulations. Aloe vera powder can be added to dietary supplements, capsules, and powders, allowing consumers to access its digestive benefits conveniently. By highlighting aloe vera powder as an ingredient, health food manufacturers can position their products as natural and effective aids for digestive health.

Aloe Vera Powder in Cosmetics:

Cosmetic manufacturers can tap into the potential of aloe vera powder to enhance the digestive health aspect of their products. Formulations such as skin creams, lotions, and balms can include aloe vera powder to provide soothing and nourishing effects to the skin. By emphasizing the digestive benefits of aloe vera powder in cosmetic advertising and packaging, manufacturers can cater to consumers seeking holistic products that promote overall well-being.

Benefits of aloe vera for digestive health:

Soothing and healing properties: Aloe vera possesses natural soothing and healing properties that can benefit the digestive system. When incorporated into health food and cosmetic formulations, aloe vera powder can provide relief from occasional digestive discomfort and promote a healthy gut environment.

Prebiotic support: Aloe vera powder contains prebiotic properties that nourish beneficial gut bacteria. By including aloe vera powder in your formulations, you can support a healthy balance of gut flora, contributing to improved digestion and overall gut health.

Digestive aid: Aloe vera powder contains enzymes that aid in the digestion of proteins and carbohydrates, facilitating smoother digestion. This can be particularly advantageous for health food and cosmetic products targeting individuals with occasional digestive issues or sensitivity.

Promoting regularity: Aloe vera powder can help promote regular bowel movements, supporting healthy digestion and preventing occasional constipation. By incorporating aloe vera powder into your formulations, you can offer products that contribute to overall digestive wellness.

Anti-inflammatory effects: Aloe vera possesses anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce inflammation in the digestive tract. By utilizing aloe vera powder in health food and cosmetic products, manufacturers can offer formulations that support a healthy and calm digestive system.

Incorporating aloe vera powder into your health food and cosmetic formulations allows you to harness the numerous benefits it offers for digestive health. By emphasizing the soothing and healing properties, prebiotic support, digestive aid, regularity promotion, and anti-inflammatory effects of aloe vera powder, manufacturers can develop products that resonate with health-conscious consumers seeking holistic solutions.

Aloe vera powder presents a wealth of opportunities for health food and cosmetic manufacturers looking to enhance their formulations with natural and effective ingredients. By incorporating aloe vera powder into your health food products or cosmetic formulations, you can tap into its soothing properties, prebiotic support, digestive aid, regularity promotion, and anti-inflammatory effects to offer products that prioritize digestive health. Embrace the power of aloe vera powder and elevate your formulations to cater to the growing demand for holistic and digestive-friendly products.

Growing Your Private Label Skincare Line With Influencers

Influencers have become a huge part of our online lives as they offer fun, creative ways of marketing products to their followers. When it comes to growing your skincare line, having an influencer amplifies your brand and makes your products more well-known to niche consumers. Word of mouth has always been an effective marketing strategy, as it encourages like minded friends, family, and followers to look into tried and trusted recommendations.

Whether you’re beginning a new skincare line, or looking to expand your customer base as an existing brand, taking advantage of influencer marketing is the best thing you can do to help your brand grow.

What Is Influencer Marketing?

Influencer marketing is a form of social media marketing that uses influencers to promote and recommend brand products or services. Social media influencers typically will have leading opinions within their niche communities and have a substantial following with that niche. There are influencers in just about any market, from skincare to fitness to fashion. This form of marketing is the new way of celebrity endorsements and acts as word-of-mouth marketing from a social media standpoint. 

When it comes to product or service recommendations, consumers place trust in friends, family and influencers. Micro-influencers are those that have less than 100k followers, and mega-influencers have over 1 million followers. Brands have been seeing better results from budgeting to work with many different small influencers rather than investing larger amounts for expensive mega influencers and celebrities. Micro-influencers tend to have more niche followers who follow out of the influencer being genuinely interested in their content, rather than just a big name to follow.

How Can Influencers Help Grow Your Business?

When done correctly, influencer marketing can bring a lot of benefit to a skincare brand. Connecting to your audience as a brand is important and influencers can bridge the relationship between brand and customer. Social media influencers clearly have been on the rise and can help you grow your skincare brand when utilized. 49% of consumers will trust the recommendation of an influencer, and about 40% purchase something after they’ve seen it on Twitter, YouTube, or Instagram. 

Let’s take a look at some of the distinct ways social media influencers can help grow your business.

Increase Your Brand’s Awareness and Credibility

Because influencers will share your brand’s products, services, and values to their followers, your brand can really catch the eye of hundreds or thousands of people. Over 4 billion people use social media, so with such an everyday staple in our lives, the possibilities for branding can expand immensely. When you create relationships with influencers, you are much more likely to reach more unique audiences than you originally thought you would!

Create Unique Content and Set Trends

Influencers know how to create content, especially on platforms like Instagram and TikTok. When working with brands, influencers still can make creative content of their own, but your products are now involved in their content and giving viewers an opportunity to see it in action. YouTubers are also huge influencers that can lead with videos like product reviews or skincare videos. WYou always want to allow your influencers to have their freedom when creating their content, as their audiences can usually tell if their content seems off or overly promoted.

Connect Your Brand To Younger Consumers

Millennials and Gen Z consumers make up a large population in digital media, meaning influencer marketing is super important if either ages of these consumers fit into your brand’s demographic. There are always new trends to follow that you may not be hip to, and finding an influencer that can connect you with a younger generation will help your brand become more recognized, and continue to grow as your consumers grow with your products.

Increase Your Online Presence

Not using social media for marketing purposes in this digital age can only hinder your brand’s growth. Influencers are pretty much social media experts and can become a branch of your social media marketing team. Your reach and engagements can increase when working with an influencer, driving up your follower count and increasing traffic to your websites. Consider the audience of an influencer to become your audience as well.

Drive Higher Conversion Rates and Sales

Quality influencer campaigns can create conversion into building your own loyal customers and increasing your revenue. This can be done with strategic marketing campaigns, but also just passively by an influencer having a large following and easily can convince followers to make purchases.

Get Help Growing Your Skincare Label

Always make sure to seek out influencers that share your brand’s values, mission, vision, and goals. By aligning with the right influencer for your brand, you can curate your customers by being seen by like minded individuals. If you’re a brand that takes pride in clean ingredients, it would make sense to work with influencers that have the same passion for clean skin products and have similar values.

At Aloe Laboratories, we maintain our own aloe vera farm and production site in the US. We produce aloe vera gel, juice, and powder specific for every brand’s needs to create quality skincare products. We can source the ingredients to make your dream products into a reality and also can assist with filling and freeze-drying services as well. 

Reach out to us today for more information about our quality aloe vera products and services.

Biggest Private Labeling Myths Debunked

Private labels are experiencing unprecedented growth in today’s economy. According to a report from Statista, private label brands account for 16% of all sales in the consumer packaged goods market and more than 19% of the entire retail market in the United States. This market share is valued at around $199 billion.

Despite how pervasive private labeling is, there are still so many misconceptions surrounding this business model. Rumors about how it works, how much it costs, and which practices can lead entrepreneurs to success run rampant. It can be tough for someone new to the industry to tell fact from fiction.

If you’re planning on starting a private label business, you want to make sure you’re armed with accurate information. To help you weed the truth from the lies, we’ve compiled a list of the biggest myths about private labeling and set the record straight.

Myth #1: Private Labels Are of Substandard Quality

It’s true that in the earlier days of the industry, private label products were equated with generic and copycat brands. Generic products are mass-produced with inexpensive, low-quality ingredients and are sold at bargain-basement prices. Copycat products use the same ingredients as national brands but are distributed and marketed under a different name.

However, with economic shifts and changes in consumer behavior, private label brands have also evolved over the years. Today, premium private label products are the trend. These high-quality products are produced exclusively for a brand using custom formulations and ingredients that are not available anywhere else. These brands offer similar—and for some labels, even better—quality than larger national brands.

Myth #2: Private Labeling Requires Large Minimum Orders

This statement may have been true a decade ago, but with the drastic market changes over the past few years, more manufacturers are offering scaled-down production. You can, of course, opt to team up with large retailers to mass-produce your goods if you’re confident in how well they’re going to sell. But there are also benefits to small-scale production.

For instance, you don’t have to worry about expensive dead stock and overhead costs. Producing outside of bulk also means that you can use harder-to-source ingredients or raw materials. You can also market your products as premium items or limited editions to improve your profit margins.

Myth #3: Private Labeling Is Always Done Overseas

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to know where your products are being manufactured—especially if you’re trying to reduce your carbon footprint or you’re worried about logistics. But the truth is, private label manufacturers are located all over the world, and some of them may be closer to home than you think.

Some manufacturers produce the goods overseas, some domestically. Overseas production can be a great option if you’re trying to keep your costs down. Local production can be beneficial since a lot of consumers do tend to place more trust in a local brand. The turnaround time is also typically faster, which is a huge advantage if you want to get your products in the market earlier than your competitors.

Myth #4: Private Labeling Is Expensive, and Product Ranges Are Limited

In the past, private labeling meant manufacturing in bulk. However, as explained above, that is no longer the case today. Private labeling is often cheaper than building a product line and brand from scratch because you spend less on manufacturing and marketing. However, it’s also important to note that prices vary wildly across the industry. Make sure that you’re working with a manufacturer that can work with your needs and budget requirements.

As for the second part of the myth—again, this depends on the manufacturer you’re working with. Some manufacturers only offer limited products and customization options, while others have a more extensive range. Some may also be willing to work with you to create a product they don’t typically offer—it never hurts to ask!

Venturing into Private Labeling? Let Us Help

Aloe Labs has helped countless business owners create their own private label brand of aloe vera products. With our years of experience in the industry, we can help you cut through the noise and find an option that works for you and your goals.

Contact us now if you would like to know more about the private labeling process. 

How To Have A Successful Private Label Brand

Private label brands are products that are branded and sold by you directly to consumers or through another retailer; however, it is manufactured by a third party. Working with a larger company that offers private labeling is one of the fastest ways to start a business.

While starting a business and having a product line with a private label is relatively straightforward, standing out from the crowd and competing with national brands is a little more challenging and essential for your business's success. Private labels do best when focused on purpose, value, quality, and aligning values with your branding.

10 Strategies To Successfully Grow Your Private Label

1. Always choose quality over price

Unless you purposefully position your product line as a value offering and your clientele understands that it is an entry price point item, you always want to put quality over price.

Otherwise, you want to ensure that your product line is as good or better than other big-name brands; for example, if you choose an aloe vera product, you want to ensure that you are using a high-quality organic aloe vera.

2. Clear Branding and Product Labeling

Your logo and brand name must be prominent but not the dominating feature. The actual name of the item, its purpose, and the product benefits need to be the focus. Ensure that the brand guidelines are clear and uniform across all your product lines to help maintain brand recognition. Whether you choose a cosmetic line, supplement, or food product line, you may be able to dress things up a bit.

3. Avoid Giving Deep Discounts

Look at the competition to understand the price spread for similar products. Make sure you price your product line along with similar pricing guidelines and remember there is a fine line between pricing your private label too low and too high. If your line is too high, your clientele may feel there is not enough price difference to justify purchasing your product, and if it is too low, they will assume the quality is not as good.

4. Share Your Private Label Product Line Everywhere

You can advertise your private label anywhere, from email marketing, newsletters, websites, and local stores. If your manufacturer offers free samples, take advantage of them to give customers a chance to try them or give them away as a gift with a purchase. Brochures are an easy and intelligent way to promote your private label and hand them out to shoppers so they can read about your private label informing them on quality and ingredients.

5. Encourage Employee Participation

One way to encourage your employees to promote products is by offering your employees free samples and products at cost. Once they know your product line, they will naturally promote it to family, friends, and local businesses.

6. Share Why They Should Buy Your Brand 

You have to go beyond just saying that your product is “the best” and offer critical points about how your private label brand is unique, why you started the product line, and how they will benefit from it.

7. Location, Location, Location

Private label products sell best when they are at eye level with the consumer. Work with the stores willing to place your private label line in or near the eye level first, as having your brand on the bottom or top shelf will usually not sell as fast.

8. Work With A Supportive Manufacturer

Find a manufacturing partner who will help with training and education. While it can be challenging to have time available and pay for training as needed, it is essential for the success of your business. A good manufacturing partner will offer new promo strategy consultations, product presentations, and category management advice. 

Aloe Laboratories provides aloe products services including private labeling for cosmetic lines, bulk aloe vera, aloe juice for consumption, and filling service for a custom bottler of non-aloe products.

9. Perfect Your Packaging Before Launching Your Private Label

A private label packaging, whether a skincare line or another product, must look professional before launching your product line to ensure you make an excellent first impression. You can also trademark your logo if you want but consider hiring an individual lawyer to find a reasonable price.

10. Strategize Like Big Brands

When developing and growing your private label brand, consider strategizing like more prominent mainstream brands and utilize their techniques from packaging and design, advertising, and social media strategies. Many consumers buy products based on the company and brand's social, environmental, ethical values, and authenticity.

Get High-Quality Bulk Aloe Vera And Private Labeling Services At Aloe Labs

At Aloe Labs, we maintain the highest standards for our aloe vera products, including aloe vera gel, juice, and powder, beginning at our aloe vera farm to bottling your private label products, including cosmetic and food-grade products. Contact us today, and we can help bring your business dream to life!

How Do You Grow a Private Label Brand?

Do you own a private label brand and need some extra tools and tips to help usher in growth? Growth means different things to different companies, while some may see growth as pure profits, others see growth as gaining customers and leads or revenue to expand the business. Mostly, you want a little bit of all of those to garner true growth. Private label products and brands have been gaining interest and popularity for the last decade, as we see with brands like Up and Up from Target, Kirkland at Costco or the over 45 brands that Amazon has developed over the recent years. 

Taking inspiration from the bigger companies while keeping the uniqueness of what makes yours special will help you as you navigate the world of private labeling. Here are some helpful tips that will get you on your way to expanding and advancing your private label brand to new heights. 

Keys to Growth and Success

1. Sell Quality and Value-Focused Products 

Customers look for value when they shop as well as product quality and lower costs. Keep in mind that although consumers love a good deal, low cost is not the number one driving force for their purchasing and they will pay extra for quality items. Source high quality ingredients or materials for your products and use a manufacturer that is also top notch, as consumers are looking for that now more than ever. Make sure when you are making your products, that care and quality is put in as well as value. For example, if your competitor is making a skincare cream for $40 and it has 5oz, make yours $38 for 6oz. Little adjustments in value and cost can hook new and repeat customers. 

2. Have a Brand with Purpose

Customers want to feel good about the products they buy and where their money goes, so having a brand with purpose is a great way to gain customers and feel good about your impact in whatever industry you sell in. A recent study showed that consumers are 4 to 6 times more likely to buy from a brand that has a positive impact. When it comes to product value, make sure you have a set of clear brand values and standards that you won’t negotiate on, whether it is donating a portion to charity, using ethically sourced ingredients or having eco-friendly packaging, there are many ways to show you care without sacrificing too much in the process and the ROI you will get due to having a brand with values and standards will far outweigh the cost of going the extra mile for your brand and customers. 

3. Be A Brand Innovator

With so much competition and many independent brands launching new products almost daily, being an innovator in your field and elevating your private label brand and strategy for sales is absolutely critical for growth. Product development is more than just outwitting your competitors, you must also go the extra mile for your customer base. Knowing your customers’ needs and predicting their wants will give you that extra leg up you will need to begin or maintain growth in business. 

Before you can be a trailblazer, you must learn the skills you will need to make your products profitable and then expand from there. Walk before you run, so to speak and get a feel for what you will need to do cost-wise and time-wise to get the results you want for your brand.

4. Enhance Your Brand

In 2022, every brand should have some sort of online presence. You can choose how much or how little of your brand you want to put out into the world, but if you are shy about using Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitter or any other social media app, you will be left in the dust by more tech savvy competitors. You can either hire someone to be your company’s social media expert or you can do it yourself, just make sure to stay relevant, keep it light and make it about the products. Showing a little behind-the-scenes magic to your customers makes them feel as if they are a part of the process and will endear you to them on a personal level, which will lead to more sales and repeat customers. 

Enhancing your brand can also mean upgrading your labels or logos, as design and art are a very important way for customers to remember your products among the many. 

Find Quality and Value at Aloe Labs

Do you need high-quality aloe for your next product launch? Are you struggling to find a private label manufacturer that lives up to your standards for your brand? Look no further than Aloe Labs.

At Aloe Laboratories, we maintain our own aloe vera farm and production site, allowing us to craft the most desirable products possible while keeping bulk and wholesale prices low. We also take pride in producing aloe vera gel, juice, and powder specific to each customer's needs for their food-grade and cosmetic-grade products.

If you'd like to learn more about how aloe vera gel can enhance your products, or if you have some ideas of your own, contact us today to learn more about your private labeling options and how we can help you make your product a reality.

Private Label 101: Naming Your Own Skincare Brand

Naming your new skincare brand can make or break you in today’s market — you need a name that grabs the customer’s attention and peaks their interest. A well-thought out name is memorable to potential customers and can help give your products the visual boost they need no matter where you are selling them, be it online or in brick and mortar retailers. 

A good brand name can be the catalyst to better sales, brand recognition and growth, and word of mouth as well. First impressions, as we all know, are the most important. Having trouble coming up with a name? Need a little help pinpointing that perfect one? Here are some tips that will help you choose a name for your skincare brand that will stick in people’s minds and make a lasting impression on your target market as well.

Private Labeling: A Quick Guide

If you are just getting into private labeling, there are quite a few reasons why it is a great way to begin selling the products of your new brand. Because your products will be manufactured by a third-party or contract manufacturer and sold under your brand name, you can focus your energy on creating a brand that stands out and makes your product desirable upon first glance. As the brand ambassador, you will get to decide everything about the product, from the label down to the ingredients and even how it is packaged. 

Private labeling is incredibly popular due to:

How to Choose a Name for Your Brand

Strive for a Great First Impression 

Before naming your brand, you need to take into consideration what type of impression you want to leave on the market and your potential customers when they see your products for the first time. Is it sexy or wholesome? Bright and artistic, or minimalist and sophisticated? Your brand’s personality needs to ooze out of the name and really stand out to snag customers' attention. Make sure to know who you are and what you want to say before you begin to put a name to your whole skincare brand.

Also, make sure the name you choose isn’t in use anywhere else. Do some heavy research before you finalize your nom de plume to make sure your brand name isn’t already trademarked and in use elsewhere. 

Make it Memorable

A great brand name will be one that is easily remembered visually and phonetically. Word of mouth is one of the strongest tools in marketing — never underestimate the power of a rave review or a good word to a friend from a happy customer. Having a name that is buzz-worthy in the skincare community will help elevate your brand faster and get you to more markets even sooner.

Lean Towards Shorter Names

Make sure to keep your brand’s name short to help customers recognize you on the shelves. A long name is difficult to recall and as mentioned above, word of mouth is a powerful tool. Short, simple names evoke class and sophistication as well, so consider this especially if that is the image you want to present. Cute or classy, just make sure the name evokes the essence of your brand and by keeping it short, it will help more people recognize your products over the rest. 

Research the Competition

The first step after concepting your line should be researching your competitors analyzing their marketing on similar (and different) products in their lines. What are they doing well and what could they improve on? What are the reviews saying they can do better? By knowing what your competition lacks, you can plan to fill gaps in the market and speak to what customers who are hungry for a change really want. See what works and take that information into consideration when you begin to name and label your new skincare brand. 

Choose Aloe Labs for All of Your Private-Labeling Needs

High quality ingredients and a manufacturer with years of experience in private labeling cosmetic grade and food grade ingredients are a must for your skincare line. 

At Aloe Laboratories, we maintain our own aloe vera farm and production site, allowing us to craft the most satisfactory products possible while keeping bulk and wholesale prices low. We pride ourselves on producing aloe vera gel, juice, and powder specific to each customer's needs.

If you'd like to learn more about how aloe vera gel can enhance your skincare products, or if you have some ideas of your own, contact us to learn more about how we can help you make your product a reality.

Private Label Skincare Brand: The Best Products You Can Sell

Using skincare products can be a restorative and relaxing part of a daily routine for a wide variety of people, as everyone can benefit no matter age, gender, or ethnicity. With so many practical applications, the versatility of skincare products makes them wildly popular and highly sought after. Where one person may wear a SPF face moisturizer, another may have serum they can’t live without, while another has a night-time skin cream they swear by. Ask anyone and they will have something to say about a certain product they can’t live without.

If you are looking into starting a private label skincare brand or are already established, knowing the hottest and best-selling products is important to getting your next line or product launch ready. This article will not only go over what products are the most popular in skincare currently, but also some tips that show how your company can benefit by working with a private label manufacturer. 

Why Choose Skincare?

While skincare is not new to being a hot ticket seller, the new wave of online influencers and online marketing strategies have jump-started the global market for skincare in ways that we could only dream of 30 years ago. The global skincare market is estimated to reach an incredible $189 billion by 2025. The advantages of selling private label skincare products are substantial.

Top Selling 2021 Skincare Products 

In a 2021 survey among shoppers in the United States, over 40% of shoppers aged 18 to 24 years said that they spend more on skincare than any other product category. Likewise, overall, it was the most shopped-for beauty category across all age groups. Let’s look at the latest and great in skincare top sellers:

Ways to Find the Latest Trending and Best Selling Skincare Products

Tips for Starting Your Own Private Label Skincare Brand

By reading this article, you’ve already begun a few of the earlier phases in starting your own private label brand! Here are other tips to get your ready to start private label selling:

Turn Your Skincare Brand Dreams into Reality with Aloe Labs

Are you in need of locally sourced, high-quality aloe for your next product launch? Are you struggling to find a private label manufacturer that lives up to your brand’s standards? Let the experts at Aloe Laboratories help.

At Aloe Laboratories, we maintain our own aloe vera farm and production site, allowing us to craft the most desirable products possible while keeping bulk and wholesale prices low. We pride ourselves on producing aloe vera gel, juice, and powder specific to each customer's needs for their food-grade and cosmetic-grade products.

If you'd like to learn more about how we can enhance your brand, how aloe vera can tip the scaled in your favor for your skincare products, or if you have some ideas of your own you’d like to go over with us, contact our team today and learn more about our private labeling options and how we can help you make your product dreams a reality.

How Do I Find a Reliable Private Label Manufacturer?

Your business idea is finally coming together and taking form. Your product has gone through rigorous stages of being vetted and prepared for manufacturing and now, you’re ready to get started. Finding the right private label manufacturer requires considerable research, planning, negotiating and knowing your business inside and out. Making sure your business model lines up well so you can have a seamless business relationship is essential. 

Let’s go over some of the best practices you can use to find your company the best and most reliable private label manufacturer for your brand. 

How to Find Private Label Manufacturers

Here are the best ways to start your search:

Domestic VS Overseas Manufacturers

Deciding if you want to go with a US manufacturer or overseas (most of the time in China or India) is going to be one of the first decisions you make when searching. 

Overseas Manufacturing



Domestic Manufacturing



Inquiring with the Manufacturer

Now that you’ve found a manufacturer you’re interested in, here are some tips to making sure everything will run smoothly if you decide to use them in making your private label product:

1. Experience Making Your Brand of Product

It would be pretty counterproductive to go with a manufacturer that is inexperienced in making your brand of product.  Make sure they have knowledge and experience making exactly what you are wanting. Get samples and make sure they use ingredients whose quality is in line with your own. Don’t let a manufacturer lower your standards to reduce pricing if you aren’t comfortable with that. 

2. Checking the Legitimacy of the Manufacturer

In this day and age of fraud, requesting a copy of their business license should be on your short list of things to ask for first. Vet them with the BBB (Better Business Bureau) and make sure they are who they claim to be. This is especially important when working with manufacturers overseas who may not have as stringent laws as we do. Many business licenses include a scope of operation that shows the range of activities the business can legally participate in. 

3. Product Samples

You always want to ensure the quality of the products the manufacturer makes before you place your order. Request as many product samples as needed to verify the consistency of their work and ensure your product will be faithfully manufactured. It is much better to discover an issue with a sample, rather than a full batch of product meant for sale.

Partner with Aloe Labs

Have you sourced high-quality aloe for your next product launch? Are you struggling to find a private label manufacturer that lives up to your ideal standards?

Let Aloe Laboratories help.

The best way to ensure that you're getting the highest quality cosmetic-grade aloe possible is to choose a company with complete control over the manufacturing process, from growing to harvesting and processing. 

At Aloe Laboratories, we maintain our own aloe vera farm and production site, allowing us to craft the most desirable products possible while keeping bulk and wholesale prices low. We pride ourselves on producing aloe vera gel, juice, and powder specific to each customer's needs for their food-grade and cosmetic-grade products.

If you'd like to learn more about how aloe vera gel can enhance your products, or if you have some ideas of your own, reach out to us to learn more about our private labeling options and how we can help you make your product a reality.

5 Must-Avoid Private Label Mistakes

In today’s market, with so much competition in stores, a brand’s packaging draws as much attention as the product inside. Millions are spent on product packaging for just that reason. It is becoming more and more common for large and small sellers to outsource their products and packaging through a contracted manufacturer, called private labeling.

The practice of private labeling is in front of us in our local Target, Sam’s Club, Wal-Mart, and other big box stores. Even your local grocery store has a few private label products down each aisle. Companies who choose to private label can find great success if they navigate and make sure they practice smart private label practices. Today, we will take a look at what exactly private labeling is, as well as our list of the biggest, must-avoid mistakes for your private label business. 

What is private labeling?

A private label product is manufactured by a contracted or third-party manufacturer and sold under a retailer’s brand name. As the retailer, you delegate everything about the product, such as what the label looks like, what goes in the product and how it’s packaged. You then pay to have your product produced by the manufacturer and they deliver it to you.

Many companies do this, the largest being Amazon. Target is another company that enjoys the benefits of private labeling — their Up & Up brand and their Archer Farms brand are both private labels. Restaurants have been known to private label condiments that have gotten popular with their customer base. Hair salons and spas create branded cosmetics and hair products, such as shampoos from another company. The list goes on and on, as it’s profitable if done correctly.

Mistakes to Avoid with Private Labeling 

1. Not Having Competitive Prices

Setting competitive pricing is a must and not doing so at the start can really hurt your brand. Make sure to do plenty of research before you send your product off to the manufacturer. Researching trends, competition and having competitive pricing are all on the path to you having a successful private label and optimized profits. 

Find products similar to yours that you’ll be in direct or indirect competition with and identify what makes yours special and what will stand out about your brand. Always set competitive prices to ensure your brand will take the lead on the shelf. 

2. Entering Too Broad a Market

Getting your new private label mixed into an oversaturated, overpopulated market, especially a mainstream one, is something you will want to avoid. Consumers are very loyal in these markets and rarely switch brands once they’ve become dedicated to their preferred product. 

3. A Poor Relationship with Your Manufacturer

Before you begin contracts with any manufacturer, make sure to adequately vet the factory and visit the warehouse or manufacturer's place of business to make sure you can inspect it thoroughly. Ask for product samples if you have time. You may be in a rush to get started, but selling an inferior product that hasn’t been tested could cost you thousands of dollars and perhaps even some business relationships and customers. That would be a huge mistake, so always make sure to have a trustworthy relationship with your manufacturer and be on good terms with them. Good terms means good business as miscommunication can lead to a bevy of issues you can’t afford.

4. Inadequate Inventory Management 

The simple fact is, if you don’t have a product for a company that needs it, they will look elsewhere. Making sure you are stocked with your hottest products is always a must and being sold out constantly is a mistake to avoid at all costs. Sometimes it cannot be avoided, but making sure your needs sync up with your manufacturer’s turnaround will help avoid mistakes like this.

5. Not Promoting Your Products Adequately

Having a high-quality product that delivers on what it promises means nothing if no one knows about it. Great pricing and a stocked inventory won’t help if you don’t have the right outreach to those who would want your product. Make sure you put a good portion of time and money into product promotion. Branding, advertising and marketing can make or break a product, or even an entire business. 

Partner with Aloe Labs for High Quality Results 

Interested in starting your own aloe brand of cosmetics, skincare or juices? Aloe Labs can help! We can create a unique formula to your desired taste or formulate your product to your specifications. 

No matter if your niche is in health, wellness, skincare, or other natural products, we have you covered! 

If you’d like to learn more about how aloe vera can enhance your products, or if you have some ideas of your own, reach out to us to learn more about how we can help you make your product a reality.