How to Grow and Care for Aloe Vera Plants at Home

Everyone loves the look of a household full of lush, flourishing plants, but not everyone knows how to keep plants alive long enough to get that effortless, green thumb look. Indoor plants can be quite tricky if you choose the wrong species, so picking a plant like aloe vera is a fantastic choice, because it is great at thriving indoors with little maintenance. Not only is aloe vera quite easy to maintain, but it has a unique look all its own, not to mention the healing benefits of the gel you can get right off the plant itself anytime you want. 

This spiky succulent is a great addition to any home’s decor and works as a wonderful starter plant on your way to the lush living space of your dreams. So don’t fret if you don’t have the greenest of thumbs, as this article will be your guide to a healthy, happy aloe vera plant. Whether it’s your first house plant or your fiftieth, these tips on how to care for your new aloe vera plant will teach you how to prep, plant and care for it and you can use that knowledge for future plant projects. Enjoy and happy planting!

Aloe Vera Benefits

Aloe vera (also known as aloe barbadensis) is a spiky succulent plant that is known for its health and beauty applications due to its natural healing abilities. It is grown in several climates, from tropical to arid climates around the world, including in the United States (southern/western parts) as well as Africa, Asia and Europe. The aloe plant is also a very unique looking plant and relatively easy to take care of for most amateur plant enthusiasts, making it a popular plant to have in the home.

Aloe has many natural healing and medicinal properties:

  • Sunburn relief and expedited burn healing
  • Can help control acne and skin redness 
  • Helps relieve heartburn
  • Moisturizes skin

Plant tip: Did you know you can take a clipping off of your aloe plant and apply the gel from the leaf directly on sunburns or rashes? 

Before You Buy: Plant Tips 

Before you purchase or plant your first aloe vera plant, make sure to read these tips to start off on the right foot and give your aloe plant the care it needs to thrive. With proper care, indoor aloe plants can live up to around 10-12 years, so giving it the best care at the beginning will give it a great start.

Tip #1: For the best results, make sure to use a soil that is specifically made for succulents (there are many types to choose from at your local garden center or Home Depot) or mix equal parts sand and potting soil. Do not use gardening soil.

Tip #2: Choose a location in your house that offers bright, indirect sunlight. This is the best lighting situation for the plant. 

Tip #3: Aloe grows quite slowly, so if you plan to harvest the gel, make sure your plant is 6 to 8 inches long and has 10 or more leaves before you harvest. 

Tip #4: It is recommended to plant aloe in a planter made of porous material, such as terra cotta or similar, as it will allow the soil to dry thoroughly between waterings as well as be heavy enough to keep the plant from tipping over when it grows. Plastic or glazed pots will hold more moisture, but can be used if you make sure to check soil for moisture before you water again.

Plant Tip: Aloe vera gel is toxic to cats, so make sure to keep your pets from chewing on the plant to avoid any issues.

Plant Care

So you’ve bought your first (or next) aloe plant and now you need to know how to take care of it. Here’s what you need to know to keep your aloe vera plant happy and healthy for years to come.

  • Put the aloe plant in a bright, sunny spot in your house. 
  • Water your aloe plant every two weeks. Make sure soil is dry before watering or the roots will rot from overwatering.
  • Aloe vera is sensitive to drastic fluctuations in temperature so make sure to keep your aloe plant away from any cold areas in your house.
  • Make sure your planter that is housing your aloe plant has a drain hole just in case you overwater. This will help keep your plant from rotting from overwatering.
  • Enjoy your new aloe plant!

Plant Tip: If your aloe leaves start to turn brown or limp, that is also a sign of overwatering. Let the soil dry up before you water again. Never put an aloe plant in soil where another plant has rotted — that soil is bad and should be replaced.

Get Your Aloe Vera from the Experts at Aloe Labs

At Aloe Laboratories, we know that the best way to ensure that you're getting the highest quality aloe gel possible is to choose a company who has complete control over the manufacturing process, from growing to harvesting and processing and that’s why we have been in business for over 30 years. 

We maintain our own aloe vera farm and production site, allowing us to craft the best products possible while keeping bulk and wholesale prices low. We pride ourselves on producing aloe vera gel, juice, and powder specific to each customer's needs.

If you'd like to learn more about our products, how aloe vera gel can enhance your products, or if you have some ideas of your own, contact us today for more information on how we can help you make your product a reality.

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