While our aloe vera fields are 100% certified organic, the end-products are not certified due to the fact that a small percentage of conventional preservatives have been added to most to ensure a shelf-life (unopened).
These preservatives are not on the USDA’s allowable ingredient list for organic products and therefore are considered prohibited. This is true of just about all preservatives that guarantee a measure of APC or Yeast & Mold control.
What some companies have done is add an alternative organic ingredient (perhaps citrus in nature) to function as a preservative. This can work of challenge studies have been performed with this ingredient and your desired product but these are usually not considered an across-the-board solution because the effectiveness of this type of ingredient can change from product to product.
Aloe Labs does offer a limited array of organic products and these products are certified because we have simply removed the preservative ingredients.
How do we maintain some sort of shelf-life? Through the packaging design.
Some people do not realize that you cannot use the same plastic bottle or pail for organic products as one would with conventional products because organic pure aloe products are much more sensitive to spoilage than most people realize.
The organic products we offer are as follows: Organic Aloe Vera Leaf Juice Single Strength Organic Leaf
Aloe Vera Juice Concentrate 15% – sold by the drum (15 gallon or 55 gallon).
Product is hot-filled into an aseptic drum bag and then packaged in an appropriate fiber drum. Refrigeration is recommended for both storage and transportation.
Once the drum is opened, we recommend it all be used at that time as the next time it is opened, the juice may be spoiled.
Organic Freeze Dried Aloe Vera Inner Leaf Powder 200XOrganic HQ Freeze Dried Aloe Vera Leaf Powder 100XOrganic SQ
Freeze Dried Aloe Vera Leaf Powder 100X – all powders are 100% aloe vera with no other filler or additive ingredient included. Sold by the kg., the powders are packed in 1 kg., 5 kg. or 10 kg. double-bagged poly bags.
The powder is very hydroscopic, meaning it must be stored in a cool, dry (humid-free) area. The most moisture the powder retains, the higher the danger of contamination. If kept dry, these powders can last up to 5 years.